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Sarah Interviewed on Brink of Midnight Podcast

Recently, Sarah was interviewed on the 100th episode of the Brink of Midnight Podcast with host John Brenkus, a six-time Emmy Award-winning host and NYT Best-selling author. Through the Brink of Midnight podcasts, John explores the moments that each guest credits with changing their lives forever. The moment that pushed them in an unexpected direction, shaping the experiences that followed… Read the entire post
Nike IGTV featuring Sarah

Photo credit: Nike Sarah is featured on Nike IGTV channel discussing her journey to Kona Ironman 2018 in “My Crazy Dream”. She shares how she dreams big and how you don’t need two legs to dream. Filmed on Kona, Hawaii the week before Sarah competed and finished the Ironman World Championship 2018. If someone said to me, “look we can… Read the entire post
Competing in the Ironman with a Prosthetic Leg

View this video interview with USA Today where Sarah Reinertsen explains how she competes in the Ironman with a prosthetic leg. This will be Sarah’s third IronMan, which will be held in Kona, Hawaii on October 13, 2018. I want people to see me in the Ironman, and instead of feeling sorry I want them to feel empowered. A lot… Read the entire post
Breakfast with Bob Kona Ironman 2018

Sarah is interviewed by Breakfast with Bob before she competes in this year’s 2018 Kona Ironman World Championships. She talks about what originally inspired her to get started running and setting goals which led to competing in the Paralympics and the Ironman World Championship two times in the past. She discusses how as a child with a disability it was… Read the entire post